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Here are the 8 sample games made with RPG Maker Unite!
You can download each game’s playable executable file as well as their corresponding project files as reference or practice to help you build your own future games.
Each game is unique in their own ways and reflects the personality and style of its developer. Please also have a read of each creator’s comments if you have time!

Please note that these sample games are only available in Japanese and we apologize for the inconvenience.
Time to take out a dictionary and go back to the good old nostalgic days of the 90s!

Steppy Happy

RPG Maker Unite Sample Game Terms of Use

The following terms of use (hereinafter referred to as the "Terms of Use") shall apply to all relationships between Gotcha Gotcha Games Corporation (hereinafter referred to as the "Company") and The User (hereinafter referred to as the "User") of "Steppy Happy" for RPG Maker Unite (hereinafter referred to as the "Game"). The User shall be responsible for the use of the Game in accordance with the following terms and conditions. The User should read these Terms of Use carefully before using the Game. The User is deemed to have agreed to these Terms and Conditions at the time The User begins installation of the Game. If The User is a minor, The User must obtain the consent of a legal representative such as a person with parental authority (including consent to these Terms of Use) before installing the Game. If a user who was a minor at the time of consenting to these Terms and Conditions uses the Game after reaching the age of majority, The User will be deemed to have given his/her additional consent for the use of the Game while he/she was a minor.

Article 1 (License)
We grant you permission to use the Game by installing it on a computer device that is compatible with the Game.

Article 2 (Prohibited Matters)
1. The User shall comply with The User's obligations set forth in this Agreement and shall use the Game properly and lawfully.
2. In using the Game, The User shall not engage in any of the following acts
(i) To unlock the security of the Game or the Software by using bugs or defects in the Game, or by using the Game in a manner not permitted by the Company.
(ii) To reproduce, modify, publish, show, lend, sell, distribute, display, publicly transmit, or make transmittable, in whole or in part, the Game, or to reverse engineer the computer programs that make up the Game, by any method other than those specified in the preceding article, without the prior written consent of the Company or the rights holder of the Game. Reverse engineering, etc., of the computer programs that comprise the Game.
(iii) Acts in violation of these Terms and Conditions
(iv) Actions that cause or may cause damage to us, other users, or other third parties.
(v) Other acts that we deem inappropriate.
3. If a user violates the preceding two paragraphs, we may take measures such as issuing a warning to The User. In addition, The User shall compensate us for any damages incurred by us as a result of such violation.

Article 3 (Attribution of Rights)
All copyrights, neighboring rights, and other intellectual property rights related to the Game (including our programs and our materials) belong to us or our designees.

Article 4 (Disclaimer)
1. we shall not be liable for any damages incurred by The User as a result of the use of this game, except in the case of willful misconduct or negligence on our part.
2. Even if we are liable under the preceding paragraph, except in the case of willful misconduct or gross negligence on the part of us, our representatives or our employees, the damages for which The User may claim compensation from us shall be limited to direct and ordinary damages incurred by The User, and we shall not be liable for special damages, indirect damages, lost profits, attorney fees or similar damages incurred by The User. We shall not be liable for any special, indirect, lost profits, attorney's fees, or similar damages.
3. Although we will take reasonable care to maintain the reliability of the Game, we do not guarantee any of the following items, and The User shall use the Game at his/her own responsibility and expense.
(i) Fitness of the Game for a particular purpose
(ii) Reliability and stability of the operation of the Game
4. We shall not be liable for any trouble or dispute with any third party arising out of The User’s use of the Game.

Article 5 (Modification of these Terms and Conditions)
We may change these Terms of Use without the consent of The User. In the event of modification of the Terms of Use, we will notify The User of the effective date and content of the modified Terms of Use by posting on our official website or by other appropriate means. However, in the case of changes that require the consent of The User under the law, the consent of The User shall be obtained in a manner prescribed by the Company.

Article 6 (Interpretation of these Terms and Conditions)
The original Japanese version of this Agreement is the Japanese version, and any translation of this Agreement into a language other than Japanese is provided for reference purposes only. In the event of any discrepancy between the original Japanese version and the reference translation, the interpretation of the original Japanese version shall prevail.

Article 7 (Governing Law)
These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Japan.

Article 8 (Agreed Jurisdiction)
In the event that litigation or arbitration becomes necessary in connection with this Agreement, the Company and The User agree in advance to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Tokyo District Court of Japan.

Download is for PC only.

Agree and Download the Sample Game

File Name0522_t4u_udonpa_game.zip

File Volume1,018MB

Agree and Download the Project File

File Namefumifumi0425.zip

File Volume10.0GB

*When opening a project file on a Mac, the command "xattr -rc" must be executed beforehand.

*This project file only works with version 1.00.00. If you have updated the file, please download it again.